Upcoming EPA Small Quantity Generator (SQG) Re-Notification Requirement for businesses that generate hazardous waste
The U.S. EPA recently added a federal requirement under the RCRA hazardous waste generator program that Small Quantity Generators (SQGs) are now required to re-notify EPA or their state environmental agency as to their generator status at least every four years by completing and submitting the Notification of Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle C Activities (Site Identification Form) in full, also known as EPA Form 8700-12, or state equivalent. The first re-notification is due by September 1, 2021. Please see EPA’s map of where the Generator Improvements Rule is currently in effect to determine if this new requirement is in effect in your state. For more information, please visit our webpage: https://www.epa.gov/hwgenerators/re-notification-requirement-small-quantity-generators or contact Mary Beth Sheridan at [email protected]